In this episode of the news, we honor our School Board, remind you about upcoming holidays for students and staff, and update you on Ricebirds sports. https://youtu.be/qTwKERE1UHU

Thank you, Jonathan Grant Brown, for sharing your story. What an inspiration to rejuvenate our staff for the spring semester! #interrupt

Happy New Year! Friendly Reminder - Students return to school on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Staff returns on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
🎉Let's make 2023 the best year yet.

Myatt Door Decorating Contest Winners
Pre-K: 1st Place: Susan Biskup and Amanda Hernandez: Candy Wonderland; 2nd Place: Sandra Ramirez and Diane Garcia: Fireplace Extravagance; 3rd Place: Kelli Cook and Jessica Cruz: Professional Snowball Makers; Honorable Mention: Kendra Janik and Cassandra Moreno: Snow Much Fun.
Kindergarten: 1st Place: Cheryl Ener: Smart Cookies; 2nd Place: Stacie Dluhos and Ashley Cruz: Silent At Night; 3rd Place: Felicia Treme & Celia Diaz: Precious Gifts; Honorable Mention: Amanda Acuna and Staci Zarate: Snoopy.
Specials: 1st Place: Dolly Phillips: Elfie; 2nd Place: Cafeteria Ladies: Food Wonderland; 3rd Place: Leslie Korenek: Rudolph & Santa; Honorable Mention: Holly Hoffer & Nashay Little: Merry Christmas Lights; Honorable Mention: Janel Marciel: Pete the Cat Feliz Navidad

In this holiday episode of the news, hear about our Ricebird Band, the swim and soccer teams, where you can find the Ricebirds over the break, and who you can watch on tv in the fall: https://youtu.be/cD9PNFaVL2E

Miss Wright's students had a BLAST at the El Campo Museum of Natural History.

Do you think El Campo RB Rueben Owens should be this year's Mr. Texas Football Player of the Year?
Vote for him ➡️ https://texasfootball.com/mr-texas-football-player-of-the-year-award/form

Kindergartners learning about clouds, what they are made of, and what happens when they get heavy. Precipitation of course!

Congratulations to our Myatt Veggie Club winners!
Eli Falcon, Hope Garcia, Ariadne Jaramillo, La'nyce Faniel, and Ashton Mican.

Mrs. Ener, Mrs. Gonzales, and Mrs. Priesmeyer’s kindergarteners earned a Popcorn party for returning books on time for the month of November.

In this episode of the news, hear reminders about the calendar and Christmas break, what's happening around the district, who won football awards, our Special Olympics bowlers, and where you can find the Ricebirds in action: https://youtu.be/_3NylQCJios

Myatt teachers learning about new augmented reality technology to use with their students to bring “learning alive!” See them in action here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFT_hORxlE/ltTHRxGSkdp-iP_6mrkDvQ/watch?utm_content=DAFT_hORxlE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

A BIG Thank You to the ladies at Prosperity Bank for counting ALL Myatt's PENNIES For PE. | Grand Total $3,161.41 | Congratulations to the 1st Place Winners:
In ECSE with $188.15 …Alavarez’s Class;
In Pre-Kindergarten with $246.56 …Ramirez’s Class; and in Kindergarten with $352.49….Ford’s Class

Myatt's Pennies for PE results as of 12/2/22. Way to go! Thank you all so much for the continued support. Monday, 12/5 is the LAST DAY and a winning class from each grade level will be determined.

Ricebird RB Rueben Owens has been selected to be on the final ballot for the 2022 WhataSuperTeam! ***Spread the word & VOTE NOW to land RB Rueben on 1 of the 40 coveted spots!***Voting = UNLIMITED | Ends Dec. 31 |
https://www.texasfootball.com/whataburger-super-team/form | #txhsfb

In this episode of the news, hear about the STARS show this weekend, FFA going to State, the District Volleyball awards, and where you can find the Ricebirds in action. https://youtu.be/RO68P2RkzjU

Before the break, Mrs. Priesmeyer and Miss Ford’s classes at Myatt learned about the first Thanksgiving and celebrated the friendships that were made. See their feast here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFTWwfKbUE/WqN3lZDOVQqfEkZqoVnlmg/watch?utm_content=DAFTWwfKbUE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

Myatt's Pennies for PE results as of 11/18/22.
Thank you all for the outpouring of support for our students. This is the last week to collect before a winner is determined on Monday, Dec 5th

We hope you enjoy the break!
