According to NOAA and the National Weather Service, the freezing temperatures are coming and the chances of precipitation are 80% with snow and sleet accumulation likely. The exact location will vary across southeast Texas.
In an abundance of caution and the safety of students and staff in the forefront of our decisions, El Campo ISD will close on Tuesday, January 21. This closure will include all school activities.
More information regarding Wednesday will be forthcoming. Please stay safe and continue to monitor our school information. We will use phone, text, and email, along with our website and social media to communicate.
El Campo ISD
Good Friday afternoon,
I am certain all of us are aware of the National Weather Service forecast of a potential winter storm arriving in the Gulf Coast area late Monday evening and continuing into Tuesday and Wednesday.
Although I will monitor the events throughout the weekend and may make a decision anywhere along the way, I will make a decision no later than mid-afternoon on Monday relating to Tuesday.
Please stay safe and make sure your Skyward contact information is up to date. The district will utilize a phone call, email, and text to communicate with individuals, and we also will post information on our website (, and through social media (Twitter or "X", Facebook, & Instagram).
Bob Callaghan
El Campo ISD
It's Game Day Ricebird Nation! Go Birds Go!
🏊♀️ Swim at 𝙃𝙊𝙈𝙀 - District Meet at EC Aquatic Center - 9:30
🏀 Ladybirds at 𝙃𝙊𝙈𝙀 vs Wharton - 5:00/6:15
🏀 Ricebirds @ Wharton - 5:00/6:15
⚽ Ladybird Soccer vs West Columbia at 𝙃𝙊𝙈𝙀- 5:30
⚽ Boys Soccer in Tournaments
🏋️♂️ Birds @ Bay City (Saturday)
Join the El Campo Ricebird Baseball program for the ⚾️ 2nd Annual Alumni Game⚾️!
To register, scan the QR code below or click:
Huge shout out to Board Vice President Rich DuBroc, an esteemed 1989 graduate of El Campo High School! His service on the school board has been nothing short of inspiring. We thank him for his hard work and passion for education. Mr. DuBroc has truly made a difference in the lives of so many! #Grateful #OnceARicebirdAlwaysARicebird
Monday, January 20th is a student and staff holiday! Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
📲Download our mobile app to stay connected with important district information. Search El Campo ISD in your Google Play or Apple APP store!
NHS and Student Council are partnering to host a blood drive on Wednesday, January 22 in the ECHS practice gym from 9 am to 3 pm. Donors must be at least 16 years old. Each blood donation saves three lives! Sign up with any NHS or Student Council member.
January is designated as School Board Recognition Month, and we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Board of Trustees for their dedicated service!
Just a Reminder: Staff will return on Monday, January 6th. Students will return on Wednesday, January 8th. We can't wait to see you!
Mrs Ener’s class received books donated for November and December! Thank you to the generous donor!
Congratulations to all the Myatt boys and girls for earning the Positive Behavior Incentive for this nine weeks. On Thursday, every class challenged another class in one of the students' favorite games, Crab Crawl Jolly Ball.
We want to thank all parents and guardians for supporting your children and being a great part of their success! You are the most important pillar of their life and their greatest strength and we appreciate you!
Criteria for earning the incentive: 80 tokens.
Classes earn tokens when they abide by the School Rules/Social Contracts (agreement among the class in how they plan to put forth the effort to get their job accomplished, how they would like to be treated by one another, and how they plan to be attentive to learning). An example: PE’s Social Contract is in the background of every picture we do weekly. All 408 students signed or placed a thumbprint in agreement to Ricky Ricebird's Winner Checklist: 1) I Follow Rules 2) I am Kind 3) I Did My Best.
Myatt's entire staff takes the time to capture students' hearts daily and now the students have learned to do the same. Our Capturing Kids Hearts process focuses on social-emotional well-being, relationships, and student connectedness.
Staff and students alike are empowered daily to greet one another, join in with each other in celebrating good news, and they can rate themselves on how well the class did in accomplishing goals in abiding by their individual classroom Social Contracts. In PE they are called coaches if they are able to kindly help others and tell us at the end of class if we won according to Ricky's Checklist.
When the majority of a class is following the rules and abiding by our social contracts they earn a token anywhere they go throughout the day. Classes had 9 weeks to earn 80 tokens and together they succeeded. We are so proud of our little Ricebirds!
Please remember to allow your child to share their good news about what made them happy today and every day to continue to build those positive relationships. A well-rounded child will succeed! They will be able to think for themselves, make sound decisions, and be resilient and confident. So thanks again for supporting us in loving and educating your child.
Myatt sends a huge shoutout to El Campo HEB for the refreshing drink donations and to Frito Lay for the tasty chips and snacks for their PTO snack cart!
This is a friendly reminder! Students will be released at noon this Friday, December 20. They will then have Winter Break, from December 23 to January 7. Following the break, teachers will return to work on Monday, January 6 for convocation and January 7 for a workday. Students will jump back into the classrooms on Wednesday, January 8.
Mrs. Ener's class worked on developing their problem-solving and computational thinking skills alongside Mrs. Dollie Phillips at Myatt.
Thank you to all the Myatt parents for sending money with your children to support Myatt PE Penny Drive!
Thank you El Campo Police Officers for lending your muscles in delivering the heavy load to the bank!
Thank you to all the ladies at Prosperity Bank for counting all our coins!
Blessings to all of you!
Thank you, Daylight Donuts!
Support STEP II - Plant Sale Friday, December 13 at ECHS Bus ramp on Ave F. 9-1:00.
All winter plants are half-priced - $3 each!
Or, $25 a flat (12-quart size pots)
We have Purple Dianthus - Pink Magic Dianthus - Raspberry Dianthus - Cherry Dianthus - Pansies.
email with any questions
ECHS Band Holiday Concert - Thursday, December 12th at 6:30.
ECMS Choir is hosting a Christmas Karaoke Night on Monday, December 16th from 6-8 pm at the ECMS Cafeteria. All ages are welcome. Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for students. Concessions will be available! Come and listen/sing along to some Christmas Music or sign up to sing on stage to your favorite Christmas Songs!