Ricebird Football

Recipients of the 2024 Grant Teaff Beyond the Game Team Award

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team at the ceremony with their plaque

“We are thrilled with the first-year response to our program and the quality of the 34 submissions we received from high school teams across the State of Texas,” said Grant Teaff, “I congratulate Coach Travis Reeve and his El Campo football team for the incredible acts of service in their community."

El Campo divided their football players into thirteen small groups of approximately ten students each. Once a week, the player groups rotated through all of the thirteen different projects of community service. Some of the projects included mentoring elementary students, visiting with residents of the Alzheimer care facility, interacting with students in the life skills programs, writing thank you cards to faculty and staff, helping teachers with classroom setups, and serving ice cream at a community-wide fundraiser for a women's charity. 

Representatives from the El Campo High School football team will be honored for their commitment to service at the 2024 Texas Sports Hall of Fame Induction Banquet on April 13th. The team will also receive a $5,000 grant from the Grant Teaff Foundation and year-round recognition on the new Grant Teaff Beyond the Game video display in the Hall of Fame.

The Teaff family and Grant Teaff Foundation would like to thank and recognize the 29 Texas high schools that were nominated for their outstanding community service projects. Nominated schools include Allen High School, Brandeis High School, Brennan High School, Burgess High School, Clark High School, Crawford High School, Diamond Hill Jarvis High School, Dumas High School, East Central High School, Gilmer High School, Harlan High School, Hightower High School, Jacksboro High School, John Jay High School, Judson High School, Kennedy High School, Little River Academy High School, Marshall High School, Melissa High School, Holmes High School, Sandra Day O'Connor High School, Seguin High School, Sotomayor High School, Southwest High School, Trinity Leadership High School, Wagner High School, Warren High School and Willis High School.