Transcript Requests

600 W. Norris
El Campo, Texas 77437

Before filling out the form below, please note the followingโ€ฆ

* If you have graduated, are 18 years of age or older, you will need to fill out the form yourself, not your parents.

*Be sure to enter your first and last name within the Name While Enrolled box.

*Transcripts cannot be sent to personal emails due to liability risk of misuse of personal information. If you are needing to upload a transcript for scholarships or any other reason, you can request an unofficial copy and use that hard copy at your own discretion.

*There is a $2.00 fee for each request. Transcript requests will not be fulfilled until payment is received. We are only able to accept cash, check, or money orders made out to ECHS. If you are no longer living in the area, you can have a friend or family member drop off the payment to the principalโ€™s office letting us know the name the request is under. Once payment is received, your request will be fulfilled.

* If you prefer to fill out the form in person, we do have forms available on campus. If you have questions about this form, please call the campus at 979-543-6341.

Transcript Request Form